Zelgor 250mg Tablet
Loyal Medicals Online
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Zelgor 250mg Tablet

Zelgor 250mg Tablet

₹11,700.00 ₹13,000.00
Abiraterone Acetate (250mg)
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bottle of 120 tablets
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1 Bottle
Primary Use
Prostate cancer
How Does It Work
Zelgor 250mg Tablet is an anticancer medication. It works by preventing androgen (male hormone) production in man. This is done by inhibiting an enzyme (CYP17) that is responsible for the production of androgen. This is how it slows down the growth of prostate cancer.
Product Information
In Prostate cancer Prostate gland is a small walnut-sized gland that produces a fluid called seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperms in males. The most common symptom of prostate cancer is difficulty with urination, but sometimes there are no symptoms at all. Zelgor 250mg Tablet decreases or stops the growth of cancer cells by decreasing the amount of testosterone (natural hormone in males) in men. This also relieves difficulty in passing urine and makes it easier for you to urinate.
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